When you become pregnant, your doctor will give you a shot of hormones called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) to help your body maintain your pregnancy. You may also be given a shot of progesterone to help prevent miscarriages or preterm labor. If you’re not pregnant after trying for several months, your doctor may inject you with these hormones to stimulate your body to produce more eggs. If these injections don’t work, there could be several reasons. Here is what you should do if a HCG injection isn’t working.

Make sure you’re taking your injections correctly.

The first thing to do is make sure you’re taking your injections correctly. Your doctor will give you instructions on how to do this. You may also want to ask a friend to help you, if you’re having trouble. If you’re not sure if you’re doing it correctly, ask your doctor to check your injections and make sure they are given correctly. If you’re taking the injections correctly, but they’re not working, your doctor may want to give you a higher dosage of HCG.Another reason your injections may not be working is because you’re not pregnant. If you’re not pregnant, you won’t get pregnant even if you have a successful HCG cycle. If you’re not pregnant, you may want to see your doctor to discuss other options for becoming pregnant.

Check your hormone levels.

If your injections aren’t working, your doctor may want to check your hormone levels. To do this, you’ll need to have a blood test. Your doctor will draw a small amount of blood from your arm and then test it to find out your hormone levels. If your hormone levels are too low, your doctor may want to increase the dosage of HCG that you’re taking. If your hormone levels are too high, your doctor may want to lower the dosage of HCG.

Try another type of hormone injection.

If your injections aren’t working, your doctor may want to try a different type of hormone injection. Your doctor may change the type of HCG you’re taking or may change the type of progesterone you’re taking. Another hormone that can be injected into your body is human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG). hMG is used to stimulate egg production in women who have been trying to get pregnant for years.

Try another method of getting pregnant.

If your injections aren’t working, your doctor may want to try another method of getting pregnant. Your doctor may recommend in vitro fertilization (IVF) or another type of insemination. In vitro fertilization is when a woman’s eggs are harvested and then mixed with a man’s sperm. The eggs are then placed into a test tube and are given a hormone to make them grow into embryos. The embryos are then placed into the woman’s uterus. If you’re trying to get pregnant with a partner, you may want to see if he would be willing to give you his sperm. Sperm banks also sell their services. If you’re trying to get pregnant with a partner, your doctor may want to test his sperm to make sure it’s healthy.

Change your diet and exercise habits.

If your injections aren’t working, your doctor may want to change your diet and exercise habits. Your doctor may want you to change your diet to help increase your metabolism and improve your health. Your doctor may also want you to exercise more.Exercising and eating healthy can help you produce more eggs. If you’re not pregnant, your doctor may want to give you a higher dosage of HCG to increase your chances of getting pregnant. If you’re trying to get pregnant with a partner, your doctor may want to test his sperm.

Check for other reasons your injections aren’t working.

If your injections aren’t working, your doctor will want to check for other reasons why they aren’t working. If you’re not pregnant, your doctor may want to test your hormone levels. If your hormone levels are low, your doctor may want to increase the dosage of HCG that you’re taking. If your hormone levels are too high, your doctor may want to lower the dosage of HCG.If you’re not pregnant, your doctor may want to test your sperm. If your sperm are unhealthy, your doctor may want to see if they can be treated and made healthy again. Your doctor may also want to test your eggs. If your eggs are unhealthy, your doctor may want to collect a fresh batch of eggs to replace them with healthy eggs.


If your injections aren’t working, your doctor may want to check your hormone levels. Your doctor may also want to test your sperm and your eggs. If your eggs are unhealthy, your doctor may want to collect a fresh batch of eggs to replace them with healthy eggs. Your doctor may also want to change your diet and exercise habits. If you’re not pregnant, your doctor may want to test your sperm. If your sperm are unhealthy, your doctor may want to see if they can be treated and made healthy again. If any of these things are the case, your doctor may want to try a different type of hormone injection.