HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin is a drug that is administered to women who are trying to get pregnant. It’s given either by injection or under the skin as a shot. It’s also sometimes used in women who have experienced a miscarriage or have experienced irregular periods. It’s a hormone that is produced naturally in the body and is used as a treatment for infertility. However, it can also cause harm if taken in too high of a quantity. Below we discuss the signs and symptoms of HCG overdose, and how to treat it if it happens. To learn more about HCG and how it works, read our article on the history of HCG injections and how they are used today.

What is HCG?

HCG is a hormone that is naturally produced by the body. It is secreted by the placenta during pregnancy and is responsible for triggering the production of the maternal antibodies that protect the fetus from infections. It is also used as a treatment for infertility.HCG is commonly used to treat infertility in women who have not been able to get pregnant after trying for several months. It can also be used to treat women who have had a miscarriage. HCG is sometimes given to women who have had an ectopic pregnancy or a molar pregnancy, which are rare forms of pregnancy that are usually fatal. HCG is also used in ART (artificial reproductive technology) to help women get pregnant when they have not been able to do so with their own eggs.HCG is given by injections under the skin or as a shot into the stomach. It is often used in combination with another hormone called FSH (follicle stimulating hormone).

What are the signs and symptoms of HCG overdose?

An HCG overdose can be fatal if not treated quickly. It is important to know the signs of an HCG overdose so that you can seek treatment quickly if you suspect that you have overdosed. Symptoms of an HCG overdose include the following: - Confusion - Dizziness - Diarrhea - Nausea - Shivering - Sweating - Tingling or burning sensation in the hands and feet - Weakness - Vision problems - Weight loss - An HCG overdose can also cause blood pressure to drop to dangerously low levels. You should seek medical attention as soon as possible if you suspect that you have overdosed on HCG.

How to treat an HCG overdose?

If you suspect that you have an HCG overdose, seek medical attention immediately. You may also want to take steps to counteract the effects of the HCG. This can include:- Dehydration - If you are dehydrated, you may want to consider drinking some fluids. - Diarrhea - You may want to consider using a lubricant such as petroleum jelly to decrease the amount of time you have to go to the bathroom.- Nausea - You may want to consider taking an anti-nausea medication.- Weakness - You may want to consider taking some extra calories.- Weight loss - You may want to consider eating more to prevent further weight loss.- Confusion - You may want to consider taking an anti-anxiety medication if you are feeling confused.- Tingling or burning sensation in the hands and feet - You may want to consider taking some extra calcium to prevent further tingling or burning sensation.- Shivering - You may want to consider taking some extra calories or wearing warmer clothing.

Bottom line

HCG is a hormone that is used to treat infertility and promote pregnancy. It is given by injections under the skin or as a shot into the stomach. It is often used in combination with another hormone called FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). An HCG overdose can be fatal if not treated quickly. It is important to know the signs of an HCG overdose so that you can seek treatment quickly if you suspect that you have overdosed.